Di-LOG DLCFLB Fire Detection & Alarm System Logbook
Di-LOG DLCFLB Fire Detection & Alarm System Logbook
Product Description
Fire Detection and Alarm System Logbook
Complete log book for on-site Fire Alarms, gives reference advice and contains the essential details of your system as well as the fire alarm testing register.
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 requires the ‘responsible person’ for a premises to ensure that all fire safety facilities, equipment and devices are maintained in efficient working order and in good repair.
This requires a comprehensive system of checking, maintaining and repairing all fire safety equipment on an on-going and regular basis, together with the appropriate level of training in fire safety for any employees.
All tests and maintenance must be recorded as it is a legal requirement, by virtue of the RRFSO, that the fire safety activities of the responsible person(s) can be audited by the relevant authorities at any time
This fire safety logbook has been prepared to assist the ‘responsible person’ in coordinating and maintaining a fire safety record-keeping system.
- Stores details of panels and zones
- Stores details of detectors & alarms
- Keeps a log of your fire alarm testing obligation.
- Site Information
- Alarm Panel Details
- Locations of warning / Detection Devices & Manual Call Points
- Weekly Testing Schedules