Click CMA616 Mode White Moulded Large New Media Unfurnished Front Plate & Yokes - 2 x 8 Apertures
Click CMA616 Mode White Moulded Large New Media Unfurnished Front Plate & Yokes - 2 x 8 Apertures
CLICK New Media Plates and Modules
Solutions for Media Cabling Problems
The modern home is now more than a mere home. It doubles up occasionally as a cinema, concert hall. meeting venue, computer room etc. Provisions must be made for the myriad of different electrical products with proliferate our homes. The New Media™ range encompasses a wide range of media and power modules, providing the designer and installer a host of solutions for all manner of media cabling problems.
This item is Mode White Moulded Large New Media Unfurnished Front Plate & Yokes - 2 x 8 Apertures
Data Sheet:
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Click Here for CLICK New Media Catalogue: